expo / vector-icons

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Material Community Icons have lots of issues #160

Closed mikescott closed 3 years ago

mikescott commented 3 years ago

I've been using this site to find icons: https://icons.expo.fyi/

I have v12.0.3 of expo-vector-icons installed.

Example 1: Missing Icons

When searching the website for 'mail' it suggests:

<MaterialCommunityIcons name="contact-mail" size={24} color="black" />

as an example.

This icon renders as a question mark. It doesn't appear in build/vendor/react-native-vector-icons/glyphmaps/MaterialCommunityIcons.json

I've found multiple icons suggested by the website that aren't actually present.

See also: #157

Example 2: Incorrect Icon

If you search MaterialCommunityIcons for 'sort' the first icon shows an up/down arrow on the left with the lines on the right sorted in descending order, but using:

<MaterialCommunityIcons name="sort" size={24} color="black" />

in Expo renders an icon with the lines on the left sorted in ascending order with an up/down arrow on the right.

brentvatne commented 3 years ago

what version of the website are you seeing? you should see this:

Screen Shot 2021-02-25 at 6 50 34 PM

i do not see contact-mail suggested for material community icons on this version. you may need to shift+refresh your page if you had loaded it on a previous version, due to the service worker cache. this shouldn't be a problem in the future because we have disabled the service worker. sorry for the hassle

for 2:

Screen Shot 2021-02-25 at 6 52 12 PM

this is expected on the latest version. icons change between versions. you can install an older version if you want and it will work fine