exporl / apex

APEX 4: software platform for auditory behavioural and psychophysical experiments. This repository follows the major releases of APEX.
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android versioning #198

Closed croissanne closed 7 years ago

croissanne commented 7 years ago

If we want to set up a proper fdroid repo, we'll have to start versioning our apks.

Fdroid depends on versioncode in the androidmanifest to distinguish between builds, we could use the apex build number on the master branch.

We could have 2 repos, a debug repo that follows the master branch. And (in future) a more formal repo with release builds which updates less frequently.

tomfrancart commented 7 years ago

does the version number need to be monotonically increasing? Otherwise we could use the commit hash.

croissanne commented 7 years ago

There are 2 numbers. Version number (which should be 3.1.4 atm) and version code, which is simply a number that determines which version is newer (higher == newer).

This has to be set in the manifest so we do need to find a way to generate those somehow and keep them in a central location. Or we could use the build number in jenkins, pass that as a parameter to the build script.

change 2250

mh21 commented 7 years ago

commit timestamp?