expressif / pecl-event-libevent

PHP7 Libevent - event notification
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Make test fail with certificate verify failed #27

Open Joungkyun opened 4 years ago

Joungkyun commented 4 years ago
[user@host libevent]$ make test PHP_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/php
[user@host libevent]$ cat tests/libevent001.out

Warning: fopen(): SSL operation failed with code 1. OpenSSL Error messages:
error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate
verify failed in /tmp/libevent/tests/libevent001.php on line 19

Warning: fopen(): Failed to enable crypto in
/tmp/libevent/tests/libevent001.php on line 19

failed to open stream: operation failed in
/tmp/libevent/tests/libevent001.php on line 19

Warning: event_set(): fd argument must be valid PHP stream or socket
resource or a file descriptor of type long in
/tmp/libevent/tests/libevent001.php on line 33

Warning: event_set(): fd argument must be valid PHP stream or socket
resource or a file descriptor of type long in
/tmp/libevent/tests/libevent001.php on line 34

Warning: event_add(): Unable to add event without an event base in
/tmp/libevent/tests/libevent001.php on line 36
[warn] event_del: event has no event_base set.

origianl code:

$fd = fopen('', 'r');

enhanced code: ( >= php 5.0.0 )

$fd = fopen(
    'r', false,
    stream_context_create (
        array (
            'ssl' => array (
                'verify_peer' => false,
                'verify_peer_name' => false