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Change uri -> url to match latest node changes #126

Closed timothyjoh closed 14 years ago

timothyjoh commented 14 years ago

Node appears to have also removed uri.params etc

TypeError: Cannot read property 'path' of undefined at IncomingMessage.init (lib/express/request.js:65:51) at IncomingMessage.Class (lib/support/js-oo/lib/oo.js:61:19) at [object Object].route (lib/express/core.js:233:15) at IncomingMessage. (lib/express/core.js:218:58) at ServerSideConnection. (/usr/local/lib/node/libraries/http.js:338:14) at node.js:979:1 at node.js:983:1

ciaranj commented 14 years ago

Express doesn't currently work with versions of node > I was working on it, but strung out trying to get jspec to work ;)

tj commented 14 years ago

I couldnt get the latest versions of node to build period, so I cant test for now lol

ciaranj commented 14 years ago

It builds fine for me on mac, I can run express up, it just falls over with all the uri/url/urwtf changes that are going on, if jspec didn't segfault ;) I'd be ok to change it over :)

tj commented 14 years ago

doesn't segfault for me anymore with the updated libxmljs. I am fixing the uri -> url crap right now

ciaranj commented 14 years ago

hmmm, go you ;)

tj commented 14 years ago

damnit, he got rid of request.url.params etc, has to be parsed manually now lol fucks up the specs

ciaranj commented 14 years ago

Hmmm I think there's a new parsing module in there somewhere isn't there ? (It looks like it may change again sob )

tj commented 14 years ago

yeah, its ugly as fuck though lol not sure who wrote that stuff

timothyjoh commented 14 years ago

Didn't mean to cause a rukus :) I am very excited about working on this as soon as I can get some time away from client projects. Maybe you should all wait until he has a more stable 0.2 release.

tj commented 14 years ago

haha no no its cool, I am always a bit behind version-wise since its pretty annoying to rebuild all the time but once all specs pass i move to the next build. Its what we get for working with alpha code

timothyjoh commented 14 years ago

It's no big deal, thanks for making this so early on. I only started playing with node today, and came across this one, and it looked the most promising.

electronicwhisper commented 14 years ago

I'm in the same camp, just started playing with Node/Express today.

Been sort of digging around, seeing if I can make it work. Make sure you're up to date as of this fix, the url parsing thing wasn't even working until 7 hours ago.


tj commented 14 years ago

Currently we have an internal query string parser, but I will be using nodes once its stable