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Express and middleware that manipulate reponses #2811

Open olalonde opened 8 years ago

olalonde commented 8 years ago

AFAIK, there is currently no generic / documented way to manipulate responses before they are passed on to the underlying socket (through a transform stream for example). I can think of 2 instances where this would be useful: compression and monitoring outgoing bandwidth.

The module resorts to monkey patching the res object which is prone to error, difficult to maintain and not extensible.

It would be nice if there was a documented and extensible way to manipulate responses before they are passed to the underlying socket.

dougwilson commented 8 years ago

Hi! Because all we do is provide a thin app layer oj top of the Node.js core HTTP, without some core-level solution, there isn't too much we can do. If you would like to research, prototype, and share a proposed solution with us, that would be the best way to move this forward :)

olalonde commented 8 years ago

Ok, I will see if I can come up with something (I think I have some idea on how to do it).

olalonde commented 8 years ago

Related issues:

olalonde commented 8 years ago


class ResProxy extends stream.Writable {
  constructor(res) {
    this.res = res;
    this.origWrite = res.write;
    this.origEnd = res.end;

  write(...args) {
    // console.log('res.write');
    return this.origWrite.apply(this.res, args);

  end(...args) {
    // console.log('res.end');
    return this.origEnd.apply(this.res, args);

const patch = (res) => {
  const resProxy = new ResProxy(res);

  res.transforms = [ new stream.PassThrough() ];
  const first = () => {
    return res.transforms[0];
  const last = () => {
    return res.transforms[res.transforms.length - 1];

  res.use = (s) => {

  let streamConnected = false;
  const connectPipes = () => {
    if (streamConnected) return;
    streamConnected = true;
  res.write = (...args) => {
    // console.log('passthrough res.write');
    return first().write(...args);
  res.end = (...args) => {
    // console.log('passthrough res.end');
    return first().end(...args);


app.use((req, res, next) => {

I have been using the code above for my bandwidth monitoring middleware and initial tests seem positive.

olalonde commented 8 years ago

Created a repo to track progress here:

chenzx commented 7 years ago

I have similar requirements, and i've found express middleware framework doesn't support full-spec http interceptor concepts, like modifying http response.

To be more clear, a middleware, or a http interceptor, should be applied FILO: if it is the first to do with the req, then it will be the last to do with the req. (But i guess this does not occupy with the underlying Node async io mechanism?)

But the above patch code really shocks me: JavaScript code has since evoled a lot! :-)