I am trying to send two documents using postman to the backend and store one file on firebase and other on cloudinary using different configurations but i am encountering this error. If anyone has solution to this problem then Please!! do provide.
In the error message, I see fiieldname = profile, but that route handler is expecting a fileldname of file too. Are you trying to upload multiple files in 1 request? have you tried using upload.array?
`const express = require('express') const mongoose = require('mongoose') const jwt = require('jsonwebtoken') const fetchadmin = require('../../middleware/fetchadmin'); const router = express.Router(); const admin = require("firebase-admin"); const multer = require('multer'); const serviceAccount = require("./serviceAccountKey.json"); const Admin = mongoose.model('Admin'); const Doctor = mongoose.model('Doctor'); const cloudinary = require('../../helper/imageUpload')
// Profile Photo Storage
const imageStorage = multer.diskStorage({});
const fileFilter = (req, file, cb) => { console.log(file) if (file.mimetype.startsWith('image')) { cb(null, true); } else { cb('invalid image file!', false); } }; const uploads = multer({ storage: imageStorage, fileFilter });
//File Storage
admin.initializeApp({ credential: admin.credential.cert(serviceAccount), storageBucket: "medease-9368b.appspot.com", });
const bucket = admin.storage().bucket();
const storage = multer.memoryStorage(); const upload = multer({ storage: storage });
router.post('/adddoctor', fetchadmin, uploads.single('profile'), upload.single("file"), async (req, res) => {
const file = req.file;
if (!req.user) return res .status(401) .json({ success: false, message: 'unauthorized access!' });
if (!file) { return res.status(400).send("No file uploaded."); }
//File Upload
const fileRef = bucket.file(file.originalname); const blobStream = fileRef.createWriteStream();
blobStream.on("error", (error) => { res.status(500).send("File upload error: " + error); });
blobStream.on("finish", () => { fileRef.makePublic().then(async () => { const med_license =
blobStream.end(file.buffer); });
module.exports = router`
I am trying to send two documents using postman to the backend and store one file on firebase and other on cloudinary using different configurations but i am encountering this error. If anyone has solution to this problem then Please!! do provide.