exstreme / Jcomments-4

Modified Jcomments 3.0.7 with Recaptcha 2 in comments. Adapted to Joomla 4. No compatibility with Joomla 1.5\2.5\3.x
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Problem Jcomments after Joomla 4 migration #120

Closed philevr closed 1 year ago

philevr commented 1 year ago

Hello, I just achieved Joomla 4 local migration (Wampserver 3.2.5) which worked after multiple tries. I had Jcomments on Joomla 3.10 that I have desinstalled before migration keeping all specific tables. I installed Jcomments for Joomla 4 (pkg_jcomments_4.0.25.zip) after migration :

I don't know what is the cause of this error and what to do to correct it ! Could you help me ? Thanks.

Globulopolis commented 1 year ago

Very strange. This issue allready fixed in 4.0.25. What PHP version you are using on the server?

philevr commented 1 year ago

PHP 8.0.10

philevr commented 1 year ago

Same problem with PHP 7.4.9

exstreme commented 1 year ago

Hello! Turn on debug please and share full stack trace of error.

philevr commented 1 year ago

Full stack trace attached in jpeg file.


Globulopolis commented 1 year ago

@philevr can you test this file https://github.com/exstreme/Jcomments-4/blob/acd1eb1800625af47caec109a8de6dff806d1133/component/site/jcomments.php ? Just replace.

philevr commented 1 year ago

OK, it seems working ! I have access to each page with comments and I see (badly !) comments kept from Joomla 3.10. But it seems that there are problems with template and css, so I can't read anything and there is another problem for comment form which is replaced by "You have no rights to comment". I have to check for all that stuff before any new issue on this problem. The main bug (no access to pages with comment) seems fixed...

Globulopolis commented 1 year ago

@philevr you need to re-configure the component and access rights.

philevr commented 1 year ago

What does that mean ? I am not very familiar with Joomla developments and related procedures... Thanks for your help and your work about Jcomments !! It's a component I have been using since Joomla 1.5, free and very efficient !

Globulopolis commented 1 year ago

What does that mean ?

Go to administrator/index.php?option=com_config&view=component&component=com_jcomments and set up as you need.

philevr commented 1 year ago

OK, the place where Jcomments settings are. I have already reported all parameters from my joomla version (Jcomments Is there anything else to do ?

Globulopolis commented 1 year ago

@philevr parameters from 3.0 and 4.0 is not the same.

philevr commented 1 year ago

I was not aware of that and I'll have a look at new Jcomments settings. Is there a specfic documentation about those differencies between 3.0 and 4.0 ?

exstreme commented 1 year ago


Globulopolis commented 1 year ago

I was not aware of that and I'll have a look at new Jcomments settings. Is there a specfic documentation about those differencies between 3.0 and 4.0 ?

The main difference between 3.0 and 4.0 in the access rules. In jcomments 4.0 the matrix rules is standard matrix rule for Joomla 3 and Joomla 4, see https://magazine.joomla.org/all-issues/january-2022/joomla-4-for-clients-managing-users-access Access rules in jcomments 4 not backward compatible. You need reconfigure permissions.


philevr commented 1 year ago

Ok, I did understand !

Thanks for all !!