exstreme / Jcomments-4

Modified Jcomments 3.0.7 with Recaptcha 2 in comments. Adapted to Joomla 4. No compatibility with Joomla 1.5\2.5\3.x
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Miscellaneous problems on Jcomments 4.0.26 #123

Closed philevr closed 1 year ago

philevr commented 1 year ago

After bug correction (inserted in 4.0.26) for my Jcomments migration to Joomla 4, some of my tests brought following miscellaneous problems :

See attached image of a personal comment (my gravatar still working on Jcomments 3.x).

Comment-Jcomments 4 0;26

Are those problems already reported ?


Globulopolis commented 1 year ago

Can you provide an access to your site? A cannot confirm these issues at this time.

Globulopolis commented 1 year ago
  • Icons for refresh, RSS flows and subscribe are not displayed : icon-loop, icon-rss and icon-mail not displaying (I do not know how display of those icons is managed)

You template must load file media/system/css/joomla-fontawesome.min.css

philevr commented 1 year ago

Sorry, you can't access my site : at the moment, it is only local with Wamp and I am testing before my real site migration (https://corse-sauvage.com) ! OK for icons, I'll check to-morrow.

philevr commented 1 year ago

For Gravatar :

Globulopolis commented 1 year ago

at the moment, it is only local with Wamp and I am testing before my real site migration

In this situation I would recommend to enable logging in Joomla and try to find anything in PHP and Joomla logs.

For Gravatar :

* In Jcomments 3.x, Gravatar did not need an avatar plugin and could be displayed directly by jcomments.php

* In Jcomments 4.x, I browsed jcomments.php code and did not find Gravatar code used in 3.x

In the new version, a duplicate Gravatar code from the component is removed. Use avatar plugin from here https://github.com/exstreme/Jcomments-4/blob/master/build/plugins/README.md

philevr commented 1 year ago

OK for Gravatar with the new plugin and for icons display ! Still have problem with long delay for sending a comment and line break...

Thanks for your help !

exstreme commented 1 year ago

Turn on debug, you can see, what is slow by senfing query

philevr commented 1 year ago

I don't know why, but slow comment sending processing disappeared since this morning ! I think there is a problem of wiki in my Jcomments 4 version : no line break and list process. You can see diffrences between my Jcomments 3 and 4 versions in the attached images with the two html creations. Sans titre - 9 Sans titre - 10 Sans titre - 7

Globulopolis commented 1 year ago

Open file administrator/components/com_jcomments/models/comment.php, go to line №125 and replace: //$table->comment = JCommentsText::nl2br($table->comment); // TODO Remove JCommentsText::nl2br() with $table->comment = JCommentsText::nl2br($table->comment);

Save file.

Let me know if would help.

philevr commented 1 year ago

No change while trying my last comment ! Sans titre - 11

philevr commented 1 year ago

And, as you can see, wiki "list" is not processed in adequate manner while bold, italic, ..., img and link are OK. Another difference with Jcomments 3 : [url=link adress]something[/url] seems not working !

Globulopolis commented 1 year ago

And, as you can see, wiki "list" is not processed in adequate manner while bold, italic, ..., img and link are OK. Another difference with Jcomments 3 : [url=link adress]something[/url] seems not working !

Try to edit comment and place a new lines again.

philevr commented 1 year ago

OK : I edited my last comment as SuperAdmin and added 3 new lines : they stay inline (see attached image). Sans titre - 12

Globulopolis commented 1 year ago

One last thing... Open file administrator/components/com_jcomments/tables/comment.php go to line №327 and change //$value = JCommentsText::nl2br($value); with $value = JCommentsText::nl2br($value);

Save file. And re-save comment.

philevr commented 1 year ago

Same as previous test. After having modified administrator/components/com_jcomments/tables/comment.php, I tried a new comment with same wiki as before and after display of this new comment I tried to edit it by adding some lines. All lines break are ignored and all wiki elements are inline...

For information, I have restored administrator/components/com_jcomments/models/comment.php, since previous test : must I keep your previous change on this php module ?

Globulopolis commented 1 year ago

Still have problem with long delay for sending a comment

Is the sending of notifications(on email) enabled? If yes, this will result to huge delays while comment saving due to delays when sending mail.

philevr commented 1 year ago

Sorry with that late answer, but I was busy with other subjects ! In my configuration, notifications and report to administrator are disabled. When I send a comment, I just have the box "to be notified with following comments", but I never check that box. I have still some delay with each comment sent, but shorter than at the beginning and only a few seconds maximum.

Just for your information : -I have just migrated another site with Jcomments and encountered a problem I did not expect. with impossibility of sending any comment

Perhaps it would be interesting to notify Jcomments 4 users with the possibility that Jcomments tables could be impacted during Joomla migration and that it would be necessary to check them after the process.