extcode / cart

Cart is a small but powerful extension which "solely" adds a shopping cart to your TYPO3 installation. The extension allows you to create coupons, products with or without variants, special prices.
GNU General Public License v2.0
56 stars 52 forks source link

add to cart - button #51

Closed tyranni closed 7 years ago

tyranni commented 7 years ago

Hey Daniel, thank you for your great extension! Would you be so kind and give some advice how a simple add-to-cart button could be added to a listed product? Sorry if it's a stupid question ;)

Thank you and best wishes!

tyranni commented 7 years ago

Sorry, Daniel :) I stood on the line ;)

Thanks again and best wishes!

extcode commented 7 years ago

If I understand you, you want to show the add-to-cart button in the normal list view? This is easy. Please copy the cart/Resources/Private/Templates/Product/List.html-Template to your sitepackage or a propper location and add a configuration for this templatePath to TypoScript. In the copied List.html change the line

to . You do **not** need the like in the Show.html because the List.html is not cached. For futher questions please try to use the ext-cart channel on slack (https://typo3.slack.com/messages/ext-cart/) or use stack overflow and send me the link to the question.
tyranni commented 7 years ago

Thanks Daniel! That is exactly what I did right now ;)

Best wishes! :)