extcode / cart_products

CartProducts is a TYPO3 extension and provides an own data storage for simple and configurable products. Products can be offered via a list and detail view and can be purchased via cart function of the Cart extension.
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[TASK] Reimplement `images` and `files` #142

Closed rintisch closed 2 months ago

rintisch commented 2 months ago

Under the ongoing development of 5.x the images and files were removed from Classes/Domain/Model/Product/Product.php (see https://github.com/extcode/cart_products/commit/5ebf8c40bfadf52ea021730f8b5127322e17162d#diff-b8171abc7975ac1d67e4d7609f5293f918b64a333eb2a36f89cda8b529e3b969L52). As a result images and files that are created in the backend can not be displayed in the frontend.

What was the intended idea of replacing those properties from the class?

rintisch commented 2 months ago

Sorry, I was wrong, it's still working as it moved to Extcode\Cart\Domain\Model\Product\FileAndImageTrait in EXT:cart.