extension / learn

learn.extension.org version2; retired spring 2020
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Charts not displaying when page first loads in IE8 #118

Closed benmacneill closed 11 years ago

benmacneill commented 12 years ago


refreshing the page or voting forces the charts to display

Looks like it might be some kind of CSS issue because the CSS hover state works if you mouse over the chart.

benmacneill commented 12 years ago

If the questions don't have any votes, the placeholder image displays as expected

jasonadamyoung commented 12 years ago

I noticed this as well. I almost think this can be punted past BYOC.

(whoops sorry, for the close + reopen, was thinking cancelling comment, and my brain shut off).

benmacneill commented 12 years ago

I'm leaning towards punting, but gonna take one last look on Monday

benmacneill commented 12 years ago

hack for IE8 missing jqplot chart bug https://github.com/extension/learn/commit/87190fd96bc487cbd534e213ff8578114f402901

I'm not real happy with this solution, but it's the only way I could figure out how to get the chart to render on (the 1st) page load in IE8.

jasonadamyoung commented 11 years ago

Revisit when learn incorporates jqplot-rails: https://basecamp.com/1851571/projects/925975-learn/todos/14067513-move-to-jqplot-rails