extension / learn

learn.extension.org version2; retired spring 2020
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How will we handle recommendations? #33

Closed jasonadamyoung closed 12 years ago

jasonadamyoung commented 12 years ago

Following is a list of items (which may not capture all of the decisions needed) that will need decisions to proceed with an initial recommender system implementation:

Note: this list is still in draft form

What are means of conveyance for recommendations?

We've focused on email, and there's a port of the knappsack design (viewable in demo) already. Are we going to display recommendations in any other places?

What timing governs delivery of email recommendations?

We've said 'weekly' previously. But what does that mean? Do recommendations go out on a particular day? Are they spread throughout the week? This goes with...

What content is in an email recommendation?

The first obvious choice is "events occurring next week" - but that assumes a late-week delivery. One could do events "through next week" - which is Time.now <= Event#session_start <= (Time.now + 7 days).end_of_week (and that's what I've checked in to this point).

But are there other events that should be in recommendations? Events that are past but have a recording added? How are those mixed in? Are they separated in display? How many of each do we pick?

What related issues do the emails present?

How will we make recommendations?

Issue #28 defines an "activity-based" recommender system. But that only has relevance when a person has activity (see EventActivity model for types of activity). For those that have not used Learn - how will we send those persons recommendations? We've talked about "tags" and "AaE activity" - but where do we get that data? Issues #29 and #30 need decisions in relation to any data we might pull from darmok.

benmacneill commented 12 years ago

What are means of conveyance for recommendations?

jasonadamyoung commented 12 years ago

Summarizing decision from campfire discussion:

jasonadamyoung commented 12 years ago

Additional decisions:

jasonadamyoung commented 12 years ago

All items are now decided except for recommendations to be made to those that have no activity within Learn. These may be deferred until TBD as well.

jasonadamyoung commented 12 years ago

Strikethroughs on all issues decided, moving to TBD.

jasonadamyoung commented 12 years ago

Closing. - replies and bounces will be created as a separate issue. Last issue will be explored as part of Issue #74