extension / learn

learn.extension.org version2; retired spring 2020
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Reimport Sensemaking questions #78

Closed jasonadamyoung closed 12 years ago

jasonadamyoung commented 12 years ago

Upon additional review, some of the boolean sensemaking questions aren't clear with a "Yes/No" context. Some of the slider questions may not be clear with a "not at all" and "very much so" scaling.

Beth and Kevin will re-review the entire list - and have the option of grouping the boolean with another label (such as True/False) as well as the slider.

The entire list will be redone for the BYOC launch.

Beth and Kevin have a deadline of January 3rd for completion.

jasonadamyoung commented 12 years ago

Kevin reworked the questions on 12/20: https://docs.google.com/a/extension.org/document/d/1b4TJjf4WOHiKBlO1rbzhK-L8_RFO4LEnrgFr93yw4dE/edit?hl=en_US