extent-framework / klov

Report server for ExtentReports
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Is there a way to Reference S3 Image Link? Or overwrite A Specific Report Link? #63

Closed awang101 closed 4 years ago

awang101 commented 4 years ago


We have a S3 bucket where we host our results.html along with our images for our Spark Reporter, we now want to incorporate Klov Dashboard, but we are running into some problems.

We have a CICD Pipeline (Jenkins) running our Gradle Builds ever X time, the way we structure our reports are quite differently:

We use javascript to border element/image on the selector we want to click on with Selenium, we then attach the screenshot to the reporter. This is OK for our Spark reporter because we able to just to dump the images/reports to an s3 bucket

The problem we have a separate server for Klov and a separate MongoDB, along with a S3 reporter with AWS.

In addition our Klov server is a tiny AWS ec2 instance and our reports tend to take 10-15 gigs each run.

As a result when we attach our reporters, klov is unable to upload the image (due to the file size) or if it does upload it would give us a broken link (this was using 3.1.5 extent reports and 0.2.9 Klov)

Would love your feedback on how to deal with this issue

Thank you so much