extesy / DeckTracker

Universal Deck Tracker for collectible card games such as The Elder Scrolls: Legends and Eternal
96 stars 26 forks source link

How to contribute? #227

Open pro-vi opened 6 years ago

pro-vi commented 6 years ago

Feeling that a simple direction for contribution would be beneficial for the app and would be generally appreciated.

extesy commented 6 years ago

@ProvidenceXz You can choose something you want to improve and send pull requests. If it's non-trivial functionality then it's better to open a ticket and discuss prior to implementing it.

pro-vi commented 6 years ago

@extesy Thanks for the reply. I successfully built it and started trying to understand the code. I'm no expert on Windows programming so there are difficulties for me. One thing I've been really confused about is how the in-game overlay was accomplished and where its associated in-game data came from (deck name, remaining cards, and prophecy possibility etc.). Since the game client is made in Unity 3D, I assume the overlay is achieved similarly, but I couldn't seem to find them in the source code :/. One thing I'm trying to implement is for the overlay to show the expected cost of the next draw based on the remaining cards in your deck. I think that could be a good starting point for me to understand and hopefully help contributing to the project, if you don't mind pointing me some directions. Thanks in advance.