extesy / DeckTracker

Universal Deck Tracker for collectible card games such as The Elder Scrolls: Legends and Eternal
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Error - Objectreference not linked to Objectinstance #229

Open CoachNuke opened 6 years ago

CoachNuke commented 6 years ago


So when trying to start the tracker (which hasn't been showing me my own deck for a while anymore but that might have other issues linked to it) I always get this message: http://prntscr.com/k0y4jr It pretty much says that the objectreference hasn't been linked to an objectinstance (which I have no clue what to do about, I tried deleting the folder, redownloading the app, using a different version etc). I assume it is something about a registry entry or something? Sorry no clue and since I don't really mess with registry stuff I don't know how to fix it if it where one.

Any help is really appreciated. Thank you so much :)

CoachNuke commented 6 years ago

Could really need some help, its still not fixed and I d love to use the deck tracker or is there a good alternative?

Oddalantic commented 5 years ago

as a workaround, I copy export to deck without the empty space on the bottom and not including spacebar input before the name and it works sometimes