extesy / DeckTracker

Universal Deck Tracker for collectible card games such as The Elder Scrolls: Legends and Eternal
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Simple solutions solving frequently occurring UI scale problems #232

Open lonexilesoul opened 6 years ago

lonexilesoul commented 6 years ago

50% of users have scaling/resizing/resetting of UI and settings. Myself i've to edit (reset scale) of ui everyday... There were submitted multiple suggestions, adding anchors and etc, what solve one, but add another problem. So why no make just simple as, just for example: F6 key - reset UI scale to 1.0 and positions of both trackers to opposite corners of screen (players to left corner and opponents to right corner). Optionally cycle between 1.0 and previous scale. F7 key - show/hide resize anchors lock/unlock trackers position

mistermartin1 commented 5 years ago

It is impossible to resize the Opponent D 20180917135627_1 eck