extesy / DeckTracker

Universal Deck Tracker for collectible card games such as The Elder Scrolls: Legends and Eternal
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TESL injection works randomly #234

Open ksawerykarwacki opened 6 years ago

ksawerykarwacki commented 6 years ago

I have this strange issue. Most of the times injection doesn't work. It doesn't matter if I start UDT before TESL or after or if I run Access runtime repair like @midstorm suggested in discussion under other issue.

It just doesn't work. and gives me classic error in events.txt:


2018-08-11T12:56:17.1707537Z|TheElderScrollsLegends|Debug|SocketStreamClient.SendCommand(Ping) timeout, sent=False connected=False

2018-08-11T12:56:17.1757526Z|TheElderScrollsLegends|Debug|Injecting DeckTracker.InGame.Helper.dll, attempt #1

2018-08-11T12:56:17.1907517Z|TheElderScrollsLegends|Debug|Waiting for remote thread finished with result 0

2018-08-11T12:56:17.1947511Z|TheElderScrollsLegends|Debug|Injected DeckTracker.InGame.Helper.dll, waiting for response

2018-08-11T12:56:18.0637565Z|TheElderScrollsLegends|Debug|SocketStreamClient disconnected: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

But sometimes the magic happens and it works and it will work no matter in which order I will start applications and it will work until next shutdown. Then again flip a coin hoping for green text.

I would love to determine what's the reason behind this and what's can be done to prevent this behavior. I can compile debug version, dump memory or whatever else is needed to find out what's happening. Just please help me.