extesy / DeckTracker

Universal Deck Tracker for collectible card games such as The Elder Scrolls: Legends and Eternal
96 stars 26 forks source link

Already have latest .net framework installed #242

Open PaulLeicht opened 5 years ago

PaulLeicht commented 5 years ago

When you click on the exe installer it consistently tries to install the .net framework even though I have the lastest installed. I would like to use this program but I don't want it overwriting a newer installation and potentially breaking what is already there. Is there a version that doesn't insist on blindingly installing .net first?

How to report a bug

  1. Deck tracker does not work for you at all? There is an existing issue for this. Look over there, do not create a new issue.
  2. Does it crash? Provide a full exception message or a screenshot and what exactly did you do right before that.
  3. Some specific feature doesn't work as expected? Read a reporting problems section and provide debug logs.

In all cases, please provide a detailed step-by-step instructions on how to reproduce your issue. Nobody except you knows specifics of your computer and software you running on it. The less details you provide, the smaller is the chance that your report will be properly investigated.