extesy / hoverzoom

Google Chrome extension for zooming images on mouse hover
MIT License
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Pixiv videos (WEBM) don't play #1124

Open Eepsquared opened 1 year ago

Eepsquared commented 1 year ago

Description of the problem

Animations (ugoira) don't play in popup preview window.

Url of the page where the problem occurs (not the image url)

https://www.pixiv.net/en/tags/%E3%81%86%E3%81%94%E3%82%A4%E3%83%A9/artworks?s_mode=s_tag (any page with animations)

Steps to reproduce the problem (include image url here)

  1. Go to any page with animation thumbnails
  2. Hover mouse over animation thumbnail
  3. Witness the green-bordered loading icon but no animation preview window

OS version, extension version

Windows 7, HoverZoom 1.0.203-5

GrosPoulet commented 1 year ago

@Eepsquared PIXIV "videos" are not exactly videos but a sequence of static images in a ZIP file. HZ+ plug-in will unzip images & display them in a gallery. Then you can animate the sequence by scrolling through it:


This new feature will be available in next release of HZ+ (1.0.206).

Eepsquared commented 1 year ago

Thanks but when will 1.0.206 be released? Also, there are Pixiv Tampermonkey scripts (like "Pixiv Previewer" and "ppixiv for Pixiv") that can play WEBM videos so maybe you can look at their code and add it to HoverZoom+? I would prefer the WEBM images to animate automatically at the correct speed instead of having to scroll through the frames/images manually...

Eepsquared commented 1 year ago

Thanks but when will 1.0.206 be released? Also, there are Pixiv Tampermonkey scripts (like "Pixiv Previewer" and "ppixiv for Pixiv") that can play WEBM videos so maybe you can look at their code and add it to HoverZoom+? I would prefer the WEBM images to animate automatically at the correct speed instead of having to scroll through the frames/images manually...

Any update on this?

GrosPoulet commented 1 year ago

@Eepsquared v1.0.206 will be released to Chrome Webstore when @extesy decides to do so.

extesy commented 1 year ago

I want to try fixing https://github.com/extesy/hoverzoom/issues/1145 first before releasing a new version.

Eepsquared commented 1 year ago

Thanks for adding this. It works in version 1.0.206 but it would be nice to have an option to automatically play (animate) the images instead of having to do it manually with the mousewheel or arrow keys (which don't work inside an artist's work and will just go back/forward in the work's list). Also, as the frame images load, having them automatically show instead of having to wait until all frames are downloaded, would be better, I think--at least as an option.