exthereum / libsecp256k1

Erlang NIF bindings for libsecp256k1 ECDSA library
MIT License
8 stars 23 forks source link

Mix compile fails on windows #18

Open abdul-playlogix opened 5 years ago

abdul-playlogix commented 5 years ago

Get the following error when trying to compile on windows 10:

D:\libsecp256k1>mix compile
warning: variable "description" does not exist and is being expanded to "description()", please use parentheses to remove the ambiguity or change the variable

warning: variable "package" does not exist and is being expanded to "package()", please use parentheses to remove the ambiguity or change the variable name

==> mix_erlang_tasks
Compiling 4 files (.ex)
warning: String.to_char_list/1 is deprecated. Use String.to_charlist/1 instead
Found at 4 locations:

Generated mix_erlang_tasks app
==> nimble_parsec
Compiling 4 files (.ex)
Generated nimble_parsec app
==> makeup
Compiling 44 files (.ex)
Generated makeup app
==> earmark
Compiling 3 files (.erl)
/usr/local/Cellar/erlang/20.1.5/lib/erlang/lib/parsetools-2.1.5/include/yeccpre.hrl:60: Warning: erlang:get_stacktrace/0: deprecated; use the new try/catch syntax for retrieving the stack backtrace
Compiling 24 files (.ex)
Generated earmark app
==> makeup_elixir
Compiling 2 files (.ex)
Generated makeup_elixir app
==> ex_doc
Compiling 18 files (.ex)
Generated ex_doc app
** (ErlangError) Erlang error: :enoent
    (elixir) lib/system.ex:632: System.cmd("make", [], [into: %IO.Stream{device: :standard_io, line_or_bytes: :line, raw: false}])
    mix.exs:3: Mix.Tasks.Compile.MakeBindings.run/1
    (mix) lib/mix/task.ex:316: Mix.Task.run_task/3
    (mix) lib/mix/tasks/compile.all.ex:68: Mix.Tasks.Compile.All.run_compiler/2
    (mix) lib/mix/tasks/compile.all.ex:52: Mix.Tasks.Compile.All.do_compile/4
    (mix) lib/mix/tasks/compile.all.ex:23: anonymous fn/1 in Mix.Tasks.Compile.All.run/1
    (mix) lib/mix/tasks/compile.all.ex:39: Mix.Tasks.Compile.All.with_logger_app/1
    (mix) lib/mix/task.ex:316: Mix.Task.run_task/3

Erlang/OTP 21 [erts-10.2] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1]

Elixir 1.7.1 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 19)