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Things Reading List #314

Open extratone opened 3 months ago

extratone commented 3 months ago

Things Reading List Siri Shortcut

Updated 03142024-054714


- [Mastodon](https://mastodon.social/@DavidBlue/110867327536072950) - [Twitter](https://twitter.com/NeoYokel/status/1768230295528993238) --- ## Created a Things To-Do with titled hyperlink from a single URL. This simple Shortcut utilizes the native [Get Name](https://matthewcassinelli.com/actions/get-name) action to retrieve an inputted URL's web page title, which it then uses as the title of a new Things To-Do in a location chosen at setup including a markdown-formatted hyperlink to the input URL as demonstrated in the screenshotted example output below. [![Things Reading List Example Output](https://cdn-images-1.medium.com/v2/1*ht37KYrY502oQbFinzF85g.png)](https://extratone.craft.me/thingsreadinglist) It will also open said To-Do immediately in Things for iOS/iPadOS/macOS via [Things' URL scheme](https://culturedcode.com/things/support/articles/2803573) as demonstrated in [**this video I posted on Mastodon**](https://mastodon.social/@DavidBlue/112093645447288564). ### Setup Steps 1. Choose a parent Project or Area for new Reading List To-Dos. (Optional) 2. Choose Things tags to append to new Reading List To-Dos. (Optional)