extratone / mastodon-ios-apps

An ongoing, (hopefully) complete, collaborative list of all Mastodon apps on iOS.
MIT License
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Avalanche #2

Open wakest opened 2 years ago

wakest commented 2 years ago

heres the testflight https://testflight.apple.com/join/2Cv2j78K

extratone commented 2 years ago

AHHH. Thank you so much for adding this... Obviously, I am terrible at GitHub considering I am just now seeing this.

extratone commented 2 years ago

So... Two things clear to me:

  1. The app is still in development.
  2. The developer (Jackson Tan) doesn't seem to want any of its development open to public eyes.

So... Considering I've already set the deadline for publishing my guide today, I'm going to proceed without mention of Avalanche and just sent a friendly email to the address listed on the Testflight page.

Thank you again @wakest for finding and linking it, though... It seems even more incredibly unique in just the first few minutes I've played with it lol. Especially love the sounds.

extratone commented 2 years ago






wakest commented 2 years ago

saving hi quality images and videos of the apps is a pretty cool idea, with how many apps have come and go over the years and leave almost no trace this might become an interesting interface archive.

extratone commented 2 years ago

@wakest I'm glad you think so! I don't want to lose a single one. Still haven't heard back from the dev ☹️

Manukineko commented 2 years ago

So, I found this app and gave it a try during the day.

It has it's own paradigm UI-wise. It's a bit like trying to merge Material Design from Android and iOS. The attempt is very interesting. The app is full of subtile animations which improve the smoothness of the experience when you tap a photo, a toot, call the compose window or during the timeline auto-update. It's very good. Another great aspect is how wide it feels, photos are rendered full-width, each post are well design so icons doesn't waste spaces, but the font could be too small and some spaces could be reduced. Post could be a little bit more demarcate to each other, though, because it's sometimes too hard to understand what is a comment and what is a toot regarding the next point : I love how you can just display comments of a toot right in the timeline (without tapping the toot first).

Oh and zoom in in a photo doesn't use iOS native filtering which is great for pixelarted stuff and .... is infinite. Yep you can zoom in until .... huh ... there's no until. It's funny.

That said, there're some UI bug like the Emote button hiding the end of your text in the compose windows or text color for tags that are not easy readable with some of the themes provided. The search doesn't seem to work and settings are really limited.

extratone commented 2 years ago

@Manukineko omg thank you so much... it seems like you actually have the vocabulary to make specific observations about UX... I do not lol. if for no other reason than having your thoughts here for archival purposes... I'm glad.

Manukineko commented 2 years ago

Glad it helps.

Let me add another point : Multi-account is messed up. I had a second account which messed up the first one : The App change its server and when I wanted to switch it send me back to the login windows. I deleted the first account, re-do the login process and now there's no interface animore everything is grey XD I need to uninstall / re-install.

EDIT Got it working after a reinstall. You have to be patient as tapping too soon or closing the switch window just after loging in would messed up web requests I guess.

UX wise, switching account doesn't refresh the timeline automatically. You need to pull-to-refresh in order to have the switching occurs.