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XIQ-SE always sees differences in VLAN configuration imported using "Import VLANs and Services" workflow #154

Closed TheNetworkIsDown closed 12 months ago

TheNetworkIsDown commented 1 year ago

XIQ-SE "Enforce Preview" always detected differences on all the VLANs added using this workflow.

The strange thing was: 1) After hitting Enforce once, all VLANs returned to green (no difference anymore). 2) Exiting the dialog and going back in, all VLANs were shown in red again (differences).

We found out this is probably due to igmpQuerier being set to "". We manually changed all the VLANs and set igmpQuerier to the empty string "". The problem was gone after that.

I'm not sure what would fix this, maybe setting igmpQuerier:null or igmpQuerier:"" instead of igmpQuerier:"".

XIQ-SE FabricEngine

mnikulski commented 1 year ago

just to make sure. You referring to the workflows "Import VLANs and Services from VSP" version 15? I inspected the code and can not find any IGMP settings.

TheNetworkIsDown commented 1 year ago

It's about "Import_L2VSNs...xwf" which creates the "Import VLANs and Services" workflow.

mnikulski commented 12 months ago

the issue is fixed, I just stiped the igmpQuerier attribute