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Make XIQ-SE licensing calculation into an Inventory Report #194

Closed jtekjam closed 2 weeks ago

jtekjam commented 2 weeks ago

Is there a way to use this XIQ-SE licensing calculation workflow to create workflow that can be scheduled to send out the CSV as an inventory report? Is there a way to make it split out the universal switches just like it does the EXOS stacks? Currently it does not separate out that out and lists Universal Switch Stacks as "Universal Platform Switch Engine - Switch Engine ARM Stack" and does not break them out.

Any help would be appreciated.

Maranoj commented 2 weeks ago

I suggest at modifying the ERS report workflow. It uses combination of NBI calls and commands sent the switches to compile the appropriate information.

mnikulski commented 2 weeks ago

Hi Josh,

not sure what you exactly looking for. In case it is an inventory of all the components and serials of the switch/stack? If so, I do have one in my pocket which isn't published so far. Markus Nikulski Principal System Engineer / Extreme Networks @.**@.> Office / +49 6947860419<tel:+49%206947860419> ExtremeNetworks.comhttps://extremenetworks.com/ Advance with UsTMhttps://extremenetworks.com/

From: Josh @.> Sent: Thursday, May 2, 2024 6:08 PM To: extremenetworks/ExtremeScripting @.> Cc: Subscribed @.***> Subject: [EXTERNAL][extremenetworks/ExtremeScripting] Make XIQ-SE licensing calculation into an Inventory Report (Issue #194)

Is there a way to use this XIQ-SE licensing calculation workflow to create workflow that can be scheduled to send out the CSV as an inventory report? Is there a way to make it split out the universal switches just like it does the EXOS stacks? Currently it does not separate out that out and lists Universal Switch Stacks as "Universal Platform Switch Engine - Switch Engine ARM Stack" and does not break them out.

Any help would be appreciated.

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jtekjam commented 2 weeks ago

Thank you for the replies! I would be greatly interested in your inventory one.

I am looking for the similar or same CSV output from the XIQ SE licensing Workflow with each device listed with ip, nickName,sysName,deviceDisplayFamily,deviceDisplayType,serialNumber and firmware. License information isn't really needed. Just trying to automate an inventory list that breaks out the switch portion from their stacks and output to a CSV.

Thank you for the help!

mnikulski commented 2 weeks ago

I'm not ready yet to publish the workflow, but for testing, you can give it a try. Please let me know how it works.


jtekjam commented 2 weeks ago

I will give it a try and report back - thank you!

jtekjam commented 2 weeks ago

This works great!

I am going to tweak it a bit and see about adding variables for which columns to included to create different scheduled workflow tasks for different reports.

Thank you again!

mnikulski commented 1 week ago

is published in the mean while
