eye-on-ohio / PropertyProject

Our work on the Pulitzer Center property project, please see our readme for our methodology and caveats.
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land use labels not working #1

Closed walinchus closed 5 years ago

walinchus commented 5 years ago

When putting spreadheets together, the land use code did not add together.

Land use codes can be found here: http://codes.ohio.gov/oac/5703-25-10

For example this top parcel says it has a land use of 100, which would be an empty farm: image

The good news is the recorder's info imported properly from database into R because that record lists it as use 400:


I will have to work this out.

walinchus commented 5 years ago

Hmm. So this is weird. In the Data to verify, for example the first one says land use of 100, which would be an empty farm:


The good news is, I ran my code again and I got that same parcel as still belonging to Chrysler but with the right code: (400) image

The bad news is, I don't know how that happened or how that affects the verification spreadsheet. Sam maybe you sorted just the Land use row accidentally? I noticed they are all in order.