eyedeekay / I2P-in-Private-Browsing-Mode-Firefox

I2P in Private Browsing mode for Firefox, built using Webextensions and Contextual Identities
MIT License
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Proxy Ready Indicator #113

Closed Shoalsteed closed 2 years ago

Shoalsteed commented 3 years ago

Shows a green circle when not ready. Goes away when ready

Screen Shot 2021-10-27 at 5 14 21 PM Screen Shot 2021-10-27 at 5 16 45 PM

This is confusing since it is the opposite of the visual readiness workflow for the I2P router console.

eyedeekay commented 2 years ago

Oops, I've got an exclamation point somewhere it shouldn't be.

eyedeekay commented 2 years ago

fix on a branch