eyedeekay / I2P-in-Private-Browsing-Mode-Firefox

I2P in Private Browsing mode for Firefox, built using Webextensions and Contextual Identities
MIT License
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BroswerAction: Extension Help Page #136

Open Shoalsteed opened 2 years ago

Shoalsteed commented 2 years ago

This link leads too:

Screen Shot 2022-10-24 at 2 25 17 PM

Should this say instead: "Enable Router monitoring and application access" ?

I expect to see a page that has troubleshooting for issues.

eyedeekay commented 2 years ago

Depends. I'd like to leave it extension help page, and add more troubleshooting things to it as needed, but right now, that's the only detailed post-install troubleshooting that I've added.

Shoalsteed commented 2 years ago

I think that just renaming it to reflect where it goes and why is the way to go until there are troubleshooting things to add. Until that time this serves as a link to instruction for enabling the extended features of the extension. It is an action that needs to be taken.
Help/ FAQ could be separate ( and hopefully a short list!)