eyedeekay / I2P-in-Private-Browsing-Mode-Firefox

I2P in Private Browsing mode for Firefox, built using Webextensions and Contextual Identities
MIT License
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WebRTC state not reflected accurately if Snowflake is pre-installed #96

Closed eyedeekay closed 4 years ago

eyedeekay commented 4 years ago

In certain circumstances, the WebRTC state will default to enabled but forced down the proxy, which is set per-tab. In some of those cases, I2P in Private Browsing, which displays a checkbox to reflect WebRTC enabled/disabled state, will show WebRTC as disabled when it is infact enabled. This doesn't seem to affect WebRTC obedience, so it doesn't introduce a vulnerability, but it does need to be corrected ASAP. Likely solution is to just check WebRTC state at a different point.