eyedeekay / blizzard

Freestanding Snowflake as an I2P plugin
5 stars 1 forks source link

Any status page or statistics or similar? #3

Open jwgn opened 2 years ago

jwgn commented 2 years ago


Installed the plugin, how to check if it's working? There is a link in the I2P console pointing to but nothing is listening on that port.

eyedeekay commented 2 years ago

There are two ways to tell it is running. A small icon showing a "snowstorm" will appear in your task bar area. When you click on the button, it open a menu with a "Stop Snowflake" option. If you can't see that icon, and the service on isn't started then the plugin isn't started either. You may need to start it on /configplugins, If that doesn't work, then debugging it will require you to open a terminal in the plugin directory and start the plugin from there, in order to view the logs.

When 1.7.0 comes out later this month we'll have better logging to work with. If you don't want to wait, I can build a version which uses the updated version of "ShellService" Client, which will require you to uninstall and reinstall the plugin.