eyesoft / home_assistant_buspro

The HDL Buspro integration allows you to control your HDL Buspro system from Home Assistant.
MIT License
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Additional sensor types #1

Open yiannosi opened 1 year ago

yiannosi commented 1 year ago

Hi. Excellent work. Based on your work I decided to install Home Assistant after a long search for a home automation system that supports BusPro. I have additional temperature sensors in modules other than DLPs and I d like to be able to interrogate them. These are based on the same opcode 0xE3E7. In addition, I have created my own BusPro enabled modules for things like environmental sensors eg anemometer, pressure etc. For these I have created my own OpCodes . I would like to add additional functionality to your code if you could explain a few things how it all works.
