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Difficulty resoursce #9

Open dasom1348 opened 6 years ago

dasom1348 commented 6 years ago


We are gonna refer to this resource in order to assign our difficulty

dasom1348 commented 6 years ago


Above link is trails resource from LA and this one is trails from New England. Overall standard for difficulty is higher than our data in Macleish. So, with these standards, our longest length and steepness trail is assigned as easy, which means all of our trails are easy course.

I am searching another resource for comparison to real world standard, but I think we need to assign ourselves within our data.. how do u guys think about this?

eyk801 commented 6 years ago

I think that that sounds fine -- are you saying we have to make our own standards? I think that would be alright!

dasom1348 commented 6 years ago


more reliable resource

jlin47 commented 6 years ago

https://www.nps.gov/shen/planyourvisit/how-to-determine-hiking-difficulty.htm Formula for calculating difficulty: Elevation Gain x 2 x distance (in miles). The product's square root is the numerical rating.

For example, a 10-mile hike that gains 2,200 feet in elevation: 2,200 x 2=4,400 4,400 x 10 = 44,000 Square root of 44,000=209.8

calculate difficulty for macleish: Vernal Pool Loop: 0.224016369x65.6167979x2=29.4, final: 5.4

entry trail: 0.12931039x62.335958005x2=16.1, final=4.0

Driveway: 0.107497216x0(?)x2=0.21, final= 0.46 (This trail has 0 elevation)

Easy Out: 0.0845361837x32.80839895x2=5.5, final= 2.4

dasom1348 commented 6 years ago

Calculate difficulty for macleish: snowmobiles is 2278.4501002 -> 47.73311 Eastern Loop is 624.908528866 -> 24.99817 Western Loop is 759.941857931 -> 27.56704 Poplar Hill is 461.99785095 -> 21.49414 Pocupine is 279.553188392 -> 16.71984

jlin47 commented 6 years ago

Code for joining trails 1 and new table with numeric rating:

trails_1<- trails %>% group_by(name) %>% summarize(num_segments = n(), total_length = sum(computed_length)) %>% arrange(desc(total_length))

name <- c('Snowmobile Trail','Eastern Loop','Easy Out', "entry trail","Poplar Hill Road","Porcupine Trail", "Vernal Pool Loop","Western Loop") numeric_rating <- c(47.73311, 24.99817, 2.4, 4.0, 21.49414,16.71984,5.4, 27.56704)

difficulty_rating <- data.frame(name, numeric_rating, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)%>% mutate (Difficulty= if_else(as.numeric(numeric_rating)<10, "Easy", ifelse(as.numeric(numeric_rating)<30, "Moderate", "Hard")))

trails_2 <-trails_1 %>% inner_join(difficulty_rating, by = "name")

dasom1348 commented 6 years ago

All of the macleish trails are easy based on the hiking difficulty standard from the National Park Service, so among the trails in macleish, we compare their difficulty in relation to one another based on length and elevation in our data.

jlin47 commented 6 years ago

factpal <- colorFactor(topo.colors(3), palette = c('red', 'orange', 'green'),trails_2$Difficulty)


leaflet()%>% addTiles()%>% addPolylines(data=trails_2, weight = 5, fillOpacity = 0.5, popup = ~ name, group = "Structures", color = ~factpal(Difficulty))%>% addMarkers(data = macleish_layers[["landmarks"]], popup = ~ Label, group = "Structures")%>% addPolylines(data = contours, weight = 1, fillOpacity = 0.1, color = ~pal(ELEV_M))