eyp / redmine_spent_time

Redmine plugin that improves the spent time functionality.
57 stars 39 forks source link

Merge with plugin redmine_time_tracker #29

Closed cforce closed 10 years ago

cforce commented 12 years ago

Best of both worlds! https://github.com/hicknhack-software/redmine_time_tracker.git

eyp commented 12 years ago

Hi Terence, please explain you a bit more... what's your whole idea? what does have redmine_spent_time that redmine_time_tracker needs?

cforce commented 12 years ago

time sharing and time control for working hours:

Every user can enter working hours in my account).Defaults are configurable by admin.

There is a week view which sums recorded time per day and substracts it from day's working hour. The view shows a table with column per day (monday-sunday, but only for days with working hours> 0) and a row for every issue with logged time for that day. The last row shows substraction of "working hours for this day" minus "sum of all issues logged time per day"

his way everyuser overview if time is shared correctly. If not thete is the possibility (dependent on rights to change values), e.g +1 hour for an issue and minus 1 another or so.