eythaann / Seelen-UI

The first Web based Fully Customizable Desktop Environment for Windows 10/11 with a windows tiling manager included.
48 stars 4 forks source link

Tiling #13

Open markox92 opened 1 month ago

markox92 commented 1 month ago

I have a question, is seelen natively support tiling or we need to install other software like komorebi, glaze and etc. ? Another things, I have installed seelen and only what works for me is top bar and that is all, can you explain how this software actual is should to works?

eythaann commented 1 month ago

Hi @markox92 Seelen UI has its own Tiling Manager and is currently out of the box so it should work without the user doing any configuration.

eythaann commented 1 month ago

about the reason of why only the topbar is working for you, is a bug that I have to fix, sometimes the app does start correctly but is literally random. just restartaring the app should works

markox92 commented 1 month ago

Yes, I tried to restart, and the same thing is happening - only the top bar is showing... Does this app require admin permission to work or not?

eythaann commented 1 month ago

Admin is recommended but not obligatory.

eythaann commented 1 month ago

hmm I will add a report option on settings to share the logs, but for now, can you send me the logs on: C:\Users\{{USER}}\AppData\Local\com.seelen.seelen-ui\logs and the settings file path you can find it clicking on open settings: image

markox92 commented 1 month ago


[2024-05-12][17:07:23][INFO][seelen_ui] ───────────────────── Starting Seelen ─────────────────────
[2024-05-12][17:07:23][TRACE][seelen_ui::seelen] Initializing Seelen
[2024-05-12][17:07:23][TRACE][seelen_ui::seelen] Ensuring folders
[2024-05-12][17:07:23][TRACE][seelen_ui::apps_config] Loading apps configurations from "C:\\Users\\marko\\.config\\seelen\\applications.yml"
[2024-05-12][17:07:23][INFO][seelen_ui::seelen_bar] Creating Fancy Toolbar
[2024-05-12][17:07:24][TRACE][seelen_ui::tray] registering tray icon
[2024-05-12][17:07:24][TRACE][seelen_ui::seelen] Creating update notification window
[2024-05-12][17:07:24][TRACE][seelen_ui::seelen] show_settings_window
[2024-05-12][17:07:24][DEBUG][reqwest::connect] starting new connection: https://github.com/
[2024-05-12][17:07:24][TRACE][seelen_ui::utils] Starting AHK: seelen.ahk
[2024-05-12][17:07:24][TRACE][seelen_ui::utils] Starting AHK: seelen.wm.ahk
[2024-05-12][17:07:24][ERROR][seelen_ui::error_handler] Generic("AHK script not found: seelen.wm.ahk")
[2024-05-12][17:07:25][DEBUG][reqwest::async_impl::client] redirecting 'https://github.com/eythaann/Seelen-UI/releases/latest/download/latest.json' to 'https://github.com/eythaann/Seelen-UI/releases/download/v1.3.2/latest.json'
[2024-05-12][17:07:25][DEBUG][reqwest::async_impl::client] redirecting 'https://github.com/eythaann/Seelen-UI/releases/download/v1.3.2/latest.json' to 'https://objects.githubusercontent.com/github-production-release-asset-2e65be/758623687/0ec25a42-b5d5-4f0e-b9d6-ca2b57e114a8?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAVCODYLSA53PQK4ZA%2F20240512%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240512T170724Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=7437ed52c40af119194c8e410f7917edc2cf33cadc30c64fb2446084034b9297&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=0&key_id=0&repo_id=758623687&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3Dlatest.json&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream'
[2024-05-12][17:07:25][DEBUG][reqwest::connect] starting new connection: https://objects.githubusercontent.com/
[2024-05-12][17:07:27][INFO][seelen_ui::seelen_bar] Fancy Toolbar setup is completed
[2024-05-12][17:07:27][INFO][seelen_ui::seelen_wm] Creating Tiling Windows Manager
[2024-05-12][17:07:27][ERROR][seelen_ui] Failed to get current virtual desktop: Eyre(
   0: could not determine current virtual desktop


Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.)
[2024-05-12][17:07:46][INFO][seelen_ui] ───────────────────── Starting Seelen ─────────────────────
[2024-05-12][17:07:46][TRACE][seelen_ui::seelen] Initializing Seelen
[2024-05-12][17:07:46][TRACE][seelen_ui::seelen] Ensuring folders
[2024-05-12][17:07:46][TRACE][seelen_ui::apps_config] Loading apps configurations from "C:\\Users\\marko\\.config\\seelen\\applications.yml"
[2024-05-12][17:07:46][INFO][seelen_ui::seelen_bar] Creating Fancy Toolbar
[2024-05-12][17:07:47][TRACE][seelen_ui::tray] registering tray icon
[2024-05-12][17:07:47][TRACE][seelen_ui::seelen] Creating update notification window
[2024-05-12][17:07:47][TRACE][seelen_ui::seelen] show_settings_window
[2024-05-12][17:07:47][DEBUG][reqwest::connect] starting new connection: https://github.com/
[2024-05-12][17:07:47][TRACE][seelen_ui::utils] Starting AHK: seelen.ahk
[2024-05-12][17:07:47][TRACE][seelen_ui::utils] Starting AHK: seelen.wm.ahk
[2024-05-12][17:07:47][ERROR][seelen_ui::error_handler] Generic("AHK script not found: seelen.wm.ahk")
[2024-05-12][17:07:48][DEBUG][reqwest::async_impl::client] redirecting 'https://github.com/eythaann/Seelen-UI/releases/latest/download/latest.json' to 'https://github.com/eythaann/Seelen-UI/releases/download/v1.3.2/latest.json'
[2024-05-12][17:07:48][DEBUG][reqwest::async_impl::client] redirecting 'https://github.com/eythaann/Seelen-UI/releases/download/v1.3.2/latest.json' to 'https://objects.githubusercontent.com/github-production-release-asset-2e65be/758623687/0ec25a42-b5d5-4f0e-b9d6-ca2b57e114a8?X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256&X-Amz-Credential=AKIAVCODYLSA53PQK4ZA%2F20240512%2Fus-east-1%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Date=20240512T170724Z&X-Amz-Expires=300&X-Amz-Signature=7437ed52c40af119194c8e410f7917edc2cf33cadc30c64fb2446084034b9297&X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host&actor_id=0&key_id=0&repo_id=758623687&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3Dlatest.json&response-content-type=application%2Foctet-stream'
[2024-05-12][17:07:48][DEBUG][reqwest::connect] starting new connection: https://objects.githubusercontent.com/
[2024-05-12][17:07:50][INFO][seelen_ui::seelen_bar] Fancy Toolbar setup is completed
[2024-05-12][17:07:50][INFO][seelen_ui::seelen_wm] Creating Tiling Windows Manager
[2024-05-12][17:07:50][ERROR][seelen_ui] Failed to get current virtual desktop: Eyre(
   0: could not determine current virtual desktop


Backtrace omitted. Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display it.
Run with RUST_BACKTRACE=full to include source snippets.)


    "window_manager": {
        "enabled": true,
        "auto_stacking_by_category": true,
        "border": { "enabled": true, "width": 3, "offset": -1 },
        "resize_delta": 10,
        "workspace_gap": 10,
        "workspace_padding": 10,
        "global_work_area_offset": {
            "top": 0,
            "left": 0,
            "right": 0,
            "bottom": 0
        "floating": { "width": 800, "height": 500 },
        "default_layout": "Grid.json"
    "seelenweg": {
        "enabled": true,
        "mode": "Min-Content",
        "hide_mode": "On-Overlap",
        "position": "Bottom",
        "visible_separators": true,
        "size": 40,
        "zoom_size": 70,
        "margin": 8,
        "padding": 8,
        "space_between_items": 8
    "monitors": [
            "workspaces": [{ "name": "New Workspace", "layout": "BSP" }],
            "editing_workspace": 0
    "selected_theme": "default.json",
    "ahk_enabled": true,
    "fancy_toolbar": {
        "enabled": true,
        "height": 30,
        "placeholder": "default.yml"
    "ahk_variables": {
        "debug_wm": { "fancy": "Win + Control + Alt + W", "ahk": "^#!w" },
        "pause_wm": { "fancy": "Win + Control + Alt + P", "ahk": "^#!p" },
        "reserve_top": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + I", "ahk": "#+i" },
        "reserve_bottom": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + K", "ahk": "#+k" },
        "reserve_left": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + J", "ahk": "#+j" },
        "reserve_right": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + L", "ahk": "#+l" },
        "reserve_float": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + U", "ahk": "#+u" },
        "reserve_stack": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + O", "ahk": "#+o" },
        "focus_top": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + W", "ahk": "#+w" },
        "focus_bottom": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + S", "ahk": "#+s" },
        "focus_left": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + A", "ahk": "#+a" },
        "focus_right": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + D", "ahk": "#+d" },
        "focus_latest": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + E", "ahk": "#+e" },
        "increase_width": { "fancy": "Win + Alt + =", "ahk": "#!=" },
        "decrease_width": { "fancy": "Win + Alt + -", "ahk": "#!-" },
        "increase_height": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + =", "ahk": "#+=" },
        "decrease_height": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + -", "ahk": "#+-" },
        "restore_sizes": { "fancy": "Win + Alt + 0", "ahk": "#!0" },
        "switch_workspace_0": { "fancy": "Alt + 1", "ahk": "!1" },
        "switch_workspace_1": { "fancy": "Alt + 2", "ahk": "!2" },
        "switch_workspace_2": { "fancy": "Alt + 3", "ahk": "!3" },
        "switch_workspace_3": { "fancy": "Alt + 4", "ahk": "!4" },
        "switch_workspace_4": { "fancy": "Alt + 5", "ahk": "!5" },
        "switch_workspace_5": { "fancy": "Alt + 6", "ahk": "!6" },
        "switch_workspace_6": { "fancy": "Alt + 7", "ahk": "!7" },
        "switch_workspace_7": { "fancy": "Alt + 8", "ahk": "!8" },
        "switch_workspace_8": { "fancy": "Alt + 9", "ahk": "!9" },
        "switch_workspace_9": { "fancy": "Alt + 0", "ahk": "!0" },
        "move_to_workspace_0": { "fancy": "Alt + Shift + 1", "ahk": "!+1" },
        "move_to_workspace_1": { "fancy": "Alt + Shift + 2", "ahk": "!+2" },
        "move_to_workspace_2": { "fancy": "Alt + Shift + 3", "ahk": "!+3" },
        "move_to_workspace_3": { "fancy": "Alt + Shift + 4", "ahk": "!+4" },
        "move_to_workspace_4": { "fancy": "Alt + Shift + 5", "ahk": "!+5" },
        "move_to_workspace_5": { "fancy": "Alt + Shift + 6", "ahk": "!+6" },
        "move_to_workspace_6": { "fancy": "Alt + Shift + 7", "ahk": "!+7" },
        "move_to_workspace_7": { "fancy": "Alt + Shift + 8", "ahk": "!+8" },
        "move_to_workspace_8": { "fancy": "Alt + Shift + 9", "ahk": "!+9" },
        "move_to_workspace_9": { "fancy": "Alt + Shift + 0", "ahk": "!+0" },
        "send_to_workspace_0": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + 1", "ahk": "#+1" },
        "send_to_workspace_1": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + 2", "ahk": "#+2" },
        "send_to_workspace_2": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + 3", "ahk": "#+3" },
        "send_to_workspace_3": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + 4", "ahk": "#+4" },
        "send_to_workspace_4": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + 5", "ahk": "#+5" },
        "send_to_workspace_5": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + 6", "ahk": "#+6" },
        "send_to_workspace_6": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + 7", "ahk": "#+7" },
        "send_to_workspace_7": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + 8", "ahk": "#+8" },
        "send_to_workspace_8": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + 9", "ahk": "#+9" },
        "send_to_workspace_9": { "fancy": "Win + Shift + 0", "ahk": "#+0" }
eythaann commented 1 month ago

Failed to get current virtual desktop is the error, the incorporated Tiling Manager uses the native Virtual Desktops of windows, I will suppose that you're using windows 10 right?

markox92 commented 1 month ago

Windows 11


Screenshot 2024-05-12 191430

eythaann commented 1 month ago

can you try create some virtual desktops an restart the app? maybe it could fix it. if not, I will made some changes in the code of vDesktops to test and made a update to see if thats fix this problem. Also, I don't have a way to replicate this but I see that is a fresh installation of win11, let me test in a Virtual Box to see if I can replicate it.

markox92 commented 1 month ago

Yes creating two virtual desktop and restarting Seelen is help, problem is with my 2nd monitor I can't use it while Seelen is running.

eythaann commented 1 month ago

Great!, now I can fix this on the next version. Also can you explain me why is unusable the second monitor?, I will add support for multimonitors in v2.0 but for now the behavior of multimonitor to me is unknown because I develop in a laptop, also I'm constantly moving of city, maybe I should buy a portable monitor.

markox92 commented 1 month ago

When i try to move window to 2nd monitor they simple jump to first one, like that Seelen control only one monitor, Also top bar is showing only on this first (primary) monitor.

eythaann commented 1 month ago

Hmm let me see if I can work on multimonitor support for the WManager and the others widgets in the next weeks, I will advice you in this thread. You can disable the WM and use others alternative like Komorebi or GlazeWM if you wants only the topbar and/or the dock for now.

eythaann commented 1 month ago

Multi-monitors Support:

mystery4f commented 1 month ago

I look forward to supporting more Tiling Window Manager!

eythaann commented 1 month ago

Multi-monitors Support:

eythaann commented 1 month ago

@markox92 now multi-monitor is working for toolbar and the dock/taskbar, in the latest build: https://github.com/eythaann/Seelen-UI/releases/tag/v1.3.3 , the support for the window manager is incoming.

markox92 commented 1 month ago

OK thanks, I will test it tomorrow.