eythaann / Seelen-UI

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Increase icon quality #3

Open eythaann opened 3 months ago

eythaann commented 3 months ago

Increase icon quality

Actually icon quality is 48x48 that is acceptable but when make it zoom depending of the configurations the icons see a little blurry. so the solution should be change the method of extraction of icons to get more quality icons.

read the next articles to more details: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/78190248/extract-icons-from-exe-in-rust https://stackoverflow.com/questions/37370241/difference-between-extracticon-and-extractassociatedicon-need-to-extract-icon-o https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/shellapi/nf-shellapi-shgetfileinfoa?redirectedfrom=MSDN