eyurtsev / kor

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Kor with LLama2 or Mistral #238

Closed abaranovskis-redsamurai closed 9 months ago

abaranovskis-redsamurai commented 9 months ago


Great work, thanks.

Kor examples are based on OpenAI models. Did you try it with LLama2 or Mistral?

Thanks, Andrej

eyurtsev commented 9 months ago

I haven't had time unfortuntately. I tried with both Claude and OpenAI. For open AI text-davinci-003 seemed to significantly outperform chat gpt 3.5 (but I haven't done comparisons against the function based API). If you end up establishing any benchmarks please let me know -- I know a lot of users are curious!

abaranovskis-redsamurai commented 9 months ago

Sounds good, I plan to give it a try. Will let you know.