Closed fig-shimooka closed 2 years ago
DBUS Instance : swd_right .................................................................... [OK]
Node ID : 0x5 .......................................................................... [OK]
Vendor-Id : 0x515 ........................................................................ [OK]
Product code : 0x10001 ...................................................................... [OK]
Serial number : 724434946 .................................................................... [OK]
Revision number : 4 ............................................................................ [OK]
SWVersion : 1.0.1 ........................................................................ [OK]
HWVersion : 3.0.0 ........................................................................ [OK]
Calibrated : True ......................................................................... [OK]
SRDO validity : True ......................................................................... [OK]
NMT State : OPER ........................................................................ [OK]
PDS State : OPERATION_ENABLED ........................................................... [OK]
NbError : 0 ............................................................................ [OK]
LastError : 0 : Error_reset_or_no_error .................................................. [OK]
SystemError : EZW_PROTECT_NONE EZW_PROTECT_NONE ........................................... [OK]
SSW CAN1 : False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ...................... [OK]
SSW CAN2 : False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ...................... [OK]
SSW CAN3 : False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ...................... [OK]
SSW CAN4 : False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ...................... [OK]
SSW CAN5 : False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ...................... [OK]
SSW CAN6 : False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ...................... [OK]
SSW CAN7 : False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ...................... [OK]
SSW CAN8 : False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ...................... [OK]
SSW SAFEOUT : False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ...................... [OK]
SCW SAFEIN_1 : True, True, False, False, False, False, True, True .......................... [OK]
Peripheral : True, True, True, True, True, True .......................................... [OK]
VelocityModeSW : internal_limit_active: False ................................................. [OK]
VelocityModeCW : enable_ramp: False, unlock_ramp: False, reference_ramp: False, halt: False ... [OK]
Polarity : velocity_polarity: False, position_polarity: False ........................... [OK]
TargetVelocity : 0 ............................................................................ [OK]
VelocityDemand : 0 ............................................................................ [OK]
VelocityActualValue : 0 ............................................................................ [OK]
PositionValue : -602 ......................................................................... [OK]
OdometryValue : -579 ......................................................................... [OK]
DBUS Instance : swd_left ..................................................................... [OK]
Node ID : 0x4 .......................................................................... [OK]
Vendor-Id : 0x515 ........................................................................ [OK]
Product code : 0x10001 ...................................................................... [OK]
Serial number : 724434949 .................................................................... [OK]
Revision number : 4 ............................................................................ [OK]
SWVersion : 1.0.1 ........................................................................ [OK]
HWVersion : 3.0.0 ........................................................................ [OK]
Calibrated : True ......................................................................... [OK]
SRDO validity : True ......................................................................... [OK]
NMT State : OPER ........................................................................ [OK]
PDS State : OPERATION_ENABLED ........................................................... [OK]
NbError : 0 ............................................................................ [OK]
LastError : 0 : Error_reset_or_no_error .................................................. [OK]
SystemError : EZW_PROTECT_NONE EZW_PROTECT_NONE ........................................... [OK]
SSW CAN1 : False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ...................... [OK]
SSW CAN2 : False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ...................... [OK]
SSW CAN3 : False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ...................... [OK]
SSW CAN4 : False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ...................... [OK]
SSW CAN5 : False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ...................... [OK]
SSW CAN6 : False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ...................... [OK]
SSW CAN7 : False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ...................... [OK]
SSW CAN8 : False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ...................... [OK]
SSW SAFEOUT : False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False ...................... [OK]
SCW SAFEIN_1 : True, True, True, True, True, True, True, True .............................. [OK]
Peripheral : True, True, True, True, True, True .......................................... [OK]
VelocityModeSW : internal_limit_active: False ................................................. [OK]
VelocityModeCW : enable_ramp: False, unlock_ramp: False, reference_ramp: False, halt: False ... [OK]
Polarity : velocity_polarity: True, position_polarity: True ............................. [OK]
TargetVelocity : 0 ............................................................................ [OK]
VelocityDemand : 0 ............................................................................ [OK]
VelocityActualValue : 0 ............................................................................ [OK]
PositionValue : -616 ......................................................................... [OK]
OdometryValue : -593 ......................................................................... [OK]
This phenomenon happens when the command is slower than the error computed, so that you have got this oscillation.
You can try to play with the m_pub_freq_hz
You can also try the ROS2 controller that was released, and see if it helps.
Changed m_pub_freq_hz (5~50). However, the result did not change. The CPU load is below 60% at this time.
I think the problem is due to this: when the state updates to SLS, the amr bends. It is as if the left and right motors are not synchronised.
Can you send me a full can log during amr bends (30s for example) ?
candump can0 -tz > candump.log
We have reproduce your problem with your SWD ROS Diff Drive Controller settings.
The parameter "wheel_safety_limited_speed_rpm" is incoherent with the SLS speed limit into your file :
=> respectively 1120 (8014) and 680 rpm motor.
We propose to reduce the "wheel_safety_limited_speed_rpm" parameter to 30 rpm wheel (3014=420 rpm motor).
<rosparam param="wheel_safety_limited_speed_rpm">30</rosparam>
I changed wheel_safety_limited_speed_rpm to 30 and restarted. However, the SWD Core still meanders.
This is the log when travelling at 0.5 m/s during SLS conditions. candump.txt
The sls_vl_limit at this time is 680 I have modified swd_diff_controller to apply this fix and the meandering has improved.
m_timer_safety = m_nh->createTimer(ros::Duration(1.0 / 1.0), boost::bind(&DiffDriveController::cbTimerSafety, this));
m_timer_safety = m_nh->createTimer(ros::Duration(1.0 / 5.0), boost::bind(&DiffDriveController::cbTimerSafety, this));.
In the course of addressing this issue, changes were made to obtain the safety status from the CAN. At that time, the publish_safety_function was set to false. However, we realised that we were referencing the value of m_safety_msg in the setSpeeds function. I assume this is the cause of the meandering.
Hi @fig-shimooka, To avoid to be link with safety message function into the set_speed function in order to retrieve SLS state, you can replace the following lines :
bool sls_signal = (m_safety_msg.safety_limited_speed != 0);
// Reading SLS
bool res_l, res_r;
err = m_left_controller.getSafetyFunctionCommand(ezw::smccore::ISafeMotionService::SafetyFunctionId::SLS_1, res_l);
if (ERROR_NONE != err) {
"Error reading SLS from left motor, EZW_ERR: SMCService : "
"Controller::getSafetyFunctionCommand() return error code : %d",
err = m_right_controller.getSafetyFunctionCommand(ezw::smccore::ISafeMotionService::SafetyFunctionId::SLS_1, res_r);
if (ERROR_NONE != err) {
"Error reading SLS from right motor, EZW_ERR: SMCService : "
"Controller::getSafetyFunctionCommand() return error code : %d",
bool sls_signal = !(res_l || res_r);
Thus, you can disable publish_safety_function again.
During SLS, it meanders from left to right. The sls_vl_limit is set to 535. The cmd_vel at this time is 0.6 for linear.x and 0 for angular.z Drop linear.x to about 0.3 and it will stabilise.