Closed JacquesRoubaud closed 2 years ago
Hi @JacquesRoubaud , All the packages have been installed as debian packages :
If you want to modify ez-Wheel ROS packages, you have to :
thank you for this, I am making some progress!
can you tell me what service I should kill and restart to update the webpage (help with the right commands is appreciated). I guess there is a better option than rebooting the computer every time :)
There is no service to restart. You only have to force a refresh of your page into your broswer. ie : Ctrl+F5 into Chrome
I still have some difficulties to find everything. For instance, where is the code / node that publishes the laser data ? where is the SWD code that is actually run on the robot, eg the code for differential drive.
All the ros nodes are into /opt/ros/noetic/share. ie : /opt/ros/noetic/share/swd_ros_controllers
For IDEC laser, the laser data are published by urg_node.
thank you!
Hi I have received my starterkit last week. I am able to connect to the robot PC via vscode using an additional wifi key When I am in the home directory, I don't see the code that is used and launched by the robot. I could locate some code in opt/ezw, but if I make a small change in the index.html file in /opt/ezw/html, I don't see it reflected on the web page when I type in Chrome. So the "real" code must be somewhere else ? where ? I would expect to see some code to compile with catkin_make, some urdf, some python code, ...
can you help ? thank you Jacques