ezWheelSAS / swd_ros_controllers

ROS nodes to control motors powered by the ez-Wheel Safety Wheel Drive (SWD®) technology.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
5 stars 4 forks source link

performance / webcam processing is very slow #37

Closed JacquesRoubaud closed 2 years ago

JacquesRoubaud commented 2 years ago

Hi I have created a node that reads a webcam Taking the robot as it is (with hector mapping and all), I barely reach 5 images per second with a regular webcam and opencv. Note that I am not doing any computer vision task, just reading the image and publishing its size. With a raspberry 4 loaded with ROS2, I was able to reach 10 FPS (which is anyway too slow)

What do you suggest so that unecessary pieces of sofware can not be launched ? I just need to have roscore, the motors, and possibly laser data.

On a side note, I have been able to publish a message from the web app using roslib.js, and it takes lots of time before I can see the result on the terminal.

maybe foolish, but is it possible NOT to launch automatically the services , and just to have a basic ROS installation /startup ? would that help improve the performance ?

GMezWheel commented 2 years ago

Yes of course. You can disable the ezw ros-bringup service and build your own bringup. => sudo systemctl disable ezw-ros-bringup