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ci: fails tests #393

Open sevz17 opened 11 months ago

sevz17 commented 11 months ago

build.log on my machine

This was first reported in v0.12.0: https://bugs.gentoo.org/914214

cafkafk commented 11 months ago

These are just issues with the integration tests, and IMO could potentially be ignored for now, given we've confirmed they run in relatively sane environments. We might consider feature gating all integration tests so they can be ignored downstream where they might break like this.

I'll bring this up for discussion on matrix.

daviessm commented 11 months ago

env.txt This is the environment when I run the tests through Portage, anything that stands out that might cause breakage?

daviessm commented 11 months ago

@sevz17 I've tried to get the tests to fail when run outside Portage and to pass when running inside Portage but haven't had any luck with either. Do you have any ideas what might cause the different output when run inside Portage?

daviessm commented 11 months ago

These are just issues with the integration tests, and IMO could potentially be ignored for now, given we've confirmed they run in relatively sane environments. We might consider feature gating all integration tests so they can be ignored downstream where they might break like this.

As Gentoo is a source-based distro it has the option to run packages' tests as part of the build/install process. I don't usually have it enabled myself but I don't think they should be removed because of this issue. We should make sure they pass - although in this case I think it's a weird Gentoo thing rather than something wrong with the tests themselves.

9glenda commented 11 months ago

Can you send your make.conf?

daviessm commented 11 months ago

Here's mine. I don't have test enabled, I've been using ebuild eza-0.12.0.ebuild test to test this.

# These settings were set by the catalyst build script that automatically
# built this stage.
# Please consult /usr/share/portage/config/make.conf.example for a more
# detailed example.
COMMON_FLAGS="-O2 -pipe -march=native"

# NOTE: This stage was built with the bindist Use flag enabled

# This sets the language of build output to English.
# Please keep this setting intact when reporting bugs.

USE="apache2 arc bash-completion btrfs caps commercial cron-boot curl dbi dbus
     dmarc dri dvb eap egl eglfs elfutils exiscan-acl fat faup1090 fbcon
     fontconfig gd gentoo-vm gles2 gles2-only graph gudev http2 hwdb icu imap
     imapc iproute2 jpeg json libkms lmtp managesieve mmap mp3 mysqli ncat
     neon nftables openssl osmesa pango pdo png policykit postgres profiling
     rrdcgi sdbox sieve smp sockets spf sqlite svg sync-plugin-portage threads
     truetype tty-helpers uefi vhosts wayland x264 x265 xml xmlreader
     xmlwriter xslt -X -alsa -awt -battery -cairo -cups -dvdnav -geolocation
     -gnome -gnome-keyring -gstreamer -gtk -ldap -libnotify -lvm -opengl
     -pulseaudio -rtlsdr -slz -swayidle -thin -wg-quick -xvfb -zfs"

APACHE2_MODULES="access_compat auth_basic auth_digest authn_core authn_file authz_core authz_host authz_owner authz_group authz_user autoindex dav dav_lock dav_fs deflate dir env filter headers http2 log_config mime socache_shmcb proxy proxy_ajp proxy_http proxy_http2 proxy_html proxy_wstunnel setenvif status reqtimeout rewrite userdir unique_id unixd xml2enc"
PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES="warn error log"
PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI="root@xxx mail.xxx"

MAKEOPTS="-j3 -l3"
#FEATURES="buildpkg distcc distcc-pump"

PORTAGE_IONICE_COMMAND="ionice -c 3 -p \${PID}"

VIDEO_CARDS="fbdev intel i965"

GRUB_PLATFORMS="pc efi-64"

LINGUAS="en_GB en"
L10N="en-GB en"


CPU_FLAGS_X86="aes mmx mmxext pclmul popcnt sse sse2 sse3 sse4_1 sse4_2 ssse3"

sevz17 commented 11 months ago

env.txt This is the environment when I run the tests through Portage, anything that stands out that might cause breakage?

Is a bit polluted, but nothing seems weird

@sevz17 I've tried to get the tests to fail when run outside Portage and to pass when running inside Portage but haven't had any luck with either. Do you have any ideas what might cause the different output when run inside Portage?

Not really, although I already check and it's not a problem with sandbox

Can you send your make.conf?

Mine it's a clean gentoo prefix (no-multilib, and I can also reproduce on non-prefix (multilib))

# Added by bootstrap-prefix.sh for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
USE="unicode nls"
CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -O2 -pipe"
# sandbox does not work well on Prefix, bug #490246
#FEATURES="${FEATURES} -usersandbox -sandbox"