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bug: unset permission bit "invisible", customizing color for that bit has no effect if unset #994

Open TLINDEN opened 1 month ago

TLINDEN commented 1 month ago

I am using xfce-terminal with the solarized-dark theme and latest eza.

This is the eza command I'm using:

eza --group-directories-first --time-style '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M' --git -la

This is how the permission bits are looking (notice the missing dashes of unset permissions): ezadark

My first thought was that maybe the coloring is wrong somehow, so I tried to change it:

EZA_COLORS="gw=35: tw=35"

This how it looks: ezagwbit

As you can see, the gw had the desired effect on the group write bit (it's now magenta), but the tw had no effect on the unset other write bit. It is still invisible.

Note, that the characters ARE being printed, I can copy them and the dashes are there. I can also just switch to another color theme and then I can see the dashes of unset bits. This behavior ONLY happens with the solarized theme.

So, it seems as dashes of unset bits are always being printed using the same foreground color (dark green) as is being used in solarized mode background (which of course is just an unhappy coincidence, I know), any color settings are being ignored if the permission bit in question is unset.