ezbz / gitlabber

Gitlabber - clones or pulls entire groups tree from gitlab
MIT License
467 stars 78 forks source link

-i option does not filter projects #109

Closed Breee closed 1 year ago

Breee commented 1 year ago

If i execute the following:

gitlabber -t $GITLAB_TOKEN  -u https://gitlab.com -m ssh -n path -i "MyGroup/*" -r repos

gitlabber will fetch a ton of project information, while it would be only necessary to search for MyGroup/*.

even on an enterprise gitlab with only 6 k projects, it's incredible slow

Breee commented 1 year ago

moved to glab cli

mass clone

glab repo clone -g <group> -p --per-page 500

mass update

REPOS=$(glab repo list --member --per-page 500 | grep "<group>" | awk '{ print $1 }')
for repo in $REPOS;
    pushd $repo
    echo "Fetch and Rebase $repo"
    git fetch && git rebase 