ezeiger92 / QuestWorld2

GUI based questing plugin for Bukkit based Minecraft servers
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Extensions language file request #157

Open ghost opened 4 years ago

ghost commented 4 years ago

The editor gui language is less necessary. But the localized gui for players is significant. Some players on my server can't understand English at all. "Click to accept this quest " float on the npc accept button that can't be edit.

besides the console send errors: Lang lang/en_us.yml missing CITIZEN_NPC_EDIT Lang lang/en_us.yml missing CITIZEN_NPC_SET

ezeiger92 commented 4 years ago

Translations have made quite a mess. Try editing your language file and adding editor.link-citizen (this is edit) and editor.link-citizen-finished (this is set). You should only need to use /qe reload to apply the changes.