ezet / stripe-sdk

A simple and flexible Stripe library for Flutter with complete support for SCA and PSD2.
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Are there any plans to update dependent packages to Privacy manifest-compliant versions? #171

Open kazy-dev opened 5 months ago

kazy-dev commented 5 months ago

Apple recently announced that starting in 2024/5/1, apps will be required to include more privacy-related reasoning for "third-party SDKs." This includes providing details in privacy manifests about data use by these SDKs. You can read more about this requirement on the Apple Developer website: Describing Data Use in Privacy Manifests

Many popular Flutter plugins, such as shared_preferences, have already implemented these manifests. You can see an example of such a manifest in the shared_preferences plugin here: PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy

Given these upcoming requirements, it's important to note that even libraries that do not collect privacy-policy-relevant information may need to include an empty PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy file to avoid potential rejection.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

kazy-dev commented 5 months ago

It looks like this package itself does not use native iOS functionality. My apologies. But maybe you need to update the package and plugins such as url_launcher that you rely on internally to a version that is compatible with PrivacyInfo.