eziya / STM32_HAL_ILI9341

ILI9341 Library for STM32 HAL
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ILI9341_DrawRectangle not drawing entire rectangle #2

Open BitLoose opened 1 year ago

BitLoose commented 1 year ago

Testing this I see that the circle function draws anywhere on the 320x240 screen, but the ILI9341_DrawRectangle(280, 100, 40, 40, GREENYELLOW); fails to draw at all, and other calls are clipped. ILI9341_DrawHLine(0, 120, 320, NAVY); only draws from X=0 to around X=150. As the circle drawing works perfectly, I initially assumed there were some miscalculations in these other routines, but it looks like my SPI interface is borderline, and some data is being corrupted during fast access from the 32F407, which I had to reduce down to 84 MHz or it would interface at all whatever the prescaler.

I had read that the library used DMA, but although DMA functions are called, only a single byte is transferred at a time. I'm not looking to reinvent the wheel, so any feedback on the DMA support would be welcome. Thxs, Rob