ezmsg-org / ezmsg

Pure-Python DAG-based high-performance SHM-backed pub-sub and multi-processing pattern
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IDE indexing namespace packages #69

Closed cboulay closed 6 months ago

cboulay commented 7 months ago

My scripts run fine whether in debug via IDE or in a terminal; no issue importing the various ezmsg namespaced packages.

However, my two preferred IDEs (PyCharm & VS Code) recognize only some namespace packages which makes for an annoying dev experience because I don't get code completion or type checking.

Pycharm: image

VS Code:


Until today, I was satisfied adding the other ezmsg packages directly to my workspace and manually setting the path, but this didn't always work. I seem to have lost whatever magic I had and now a bunch that were previous working are no longer.

So I was messing around today and "discovered" that my packages that used a src-layout and used poetry for package-config didn't have this problem.

One minor caveat: Poetry doesn't seem to support single-source for versioning unless that source is in pyproject.toml. So I use the toml file for versioning and then ezmsg.package.init.py has a couple lines to inspect the package to get the version. Thus, the package must be installed! Editable mode is ok: pip install -e . I usually tag on --no-deps so I don't overwrite my core ezmsg.

So, I refactored a couple packages from IDE-not-recognized to IDE-recognized. See:

Something really strange though: ezmsg.sigproc seems to work fine, but nothing else from the main ezmsg repo works. Not core, util, zmq, websocket, nothing.

So I'm sure the fix isn't specific to poetry and/or src-layout, because ezmsg.sigproc doesn't use that.

cboulay commented 7 months ago

I gave the same treatment to ezmsg (containing core, util, etc) and it similarly fixed my IDE problems! No more issues inspecting / indexing ezmsg.core and ezmsg.util.

Here is what I did:

  1. I moved ezmsg/ezmsg to ezmsg/src/ezmsg

  2. deleted setup.cfg, setup.py, and src/ezmsg/version/__version__.py.

  3. I modified pyproject.toml to look like:

name = "ezmsg"
version = "3.3.4"
description = "A simple DAG-based computation model"
authors = ["Griffin Milsap <griffin.milsap@jhuapl.edu>"]
readme = "README.md"
homepage = "https://github.com/iscoe/ezmsg"
packages = [
  { include = "ezmsg", from = "src" }

python = ">=3.8,<3.13"
typing_extensions = "*"

ezmsg = "ezmsg.core.command:cmdline"

all_ext = ["ezmsg-websocket", "ezmsg-sigproc", "ezmsg-zmq"]

pytest = "*"
pytest-asyncio = "*"
pytest-cov = "*"
numpy = "^1.24.2"

requires = ["poetry-core"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
  1. And src/ezmsg/version/__init__.py as follows:
import importlib.metadata

__version__ = importlib.metadata.version("ezmsg")

I haven't tested the [extras] install.


griffinmilsap commented 7 months ago

I'm glad you spent some time to track down these issues! I found a workaround for myself was to not use pip install but to instead invoke setup.py directly (which is suboptimal for a number of reasons). Eager to move to poetry as well. @pperanich -- does this look right to you? I'm going to play with these changes to see if we can move the packaging to poetry this week.

cboulay commented 6 months ago

Fixed in #72