ezraroi / ngJsTree

Angular Directive for the famous JS Tree
MIT License
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Infinite loop init jstree #105

Closed adam0605 closed 5 years ago

adam0605 commented 7 years ago

Hi. I have a question. I using CentOS 6.8, and angularjs.

I write html this.
<div class="btn-group" js-tree="treeConfig" ng-model="treeData" tree="treeInstance" should-apply="true" tree-events="ready:readyCB"> </div>

and script treeData make arrayList push method. treeData.push( { something } )

if chrome browsser open , not infinite loop. ( using $timeout delay 500. if $timeout delete, infinite loop coming :( ) firefox Infinite loop and script debug point this. ( using $timeout delay 500)

nodesWatcher.onAdded = function (node) { ...........

how to avoid Infinite Loop Init ng-Js-tree ??