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Ibexa 4.1 installation #110

Open stevenbustos opened 2 years ago

stevenbustos commented 2 years ago
Bug report? yes
Feature request? yes
BC Break report? no
RFC? no
Version 1.9.3
Environment Linux

Hi. I tried to install Ibexa v4.1 using this command:

~/ez init ibexa/experience 4.1.1

But I got this problem:

The service "session.storage.factory.native" has a dependency on a non-existent service "ezplatform.core.session.handler.native_redis".

This Ibexa version is currently supported by the Launchpad? I also tried to install a project using this command:

~/ez init ezsystems/ezplatform-ee

And got this error:

Warning: require(/var/www/html/project/ezplatform/vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/project/ezplatform/config/bootstrap.php on line 5

Fatal error: require(): Failed opening required '/var/www/html/project/ezplatform/vendor/autoload.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /var/www/html/project/ezplatform/config/bootstrap.php on line 5

Is this a bug?

todomagichere commented 2 years ago

Hi @stevenbustos. It seems it's needed the ibexa.core.session.handler.native_redis instead ezplatform.core.session.handler.native_redis, but i had problems trying to solve it. Need help too.


In previous versions there is the native_redis service:

        class: eZ\Bundle\EzPublishCoreBundle\Session\Handler\NativeSessionHandler
         - '%session.save_path%'
         - 'redis'

In 4.1 we have this:

        class: Ibexa\Bundle\Core\Session\Handler\NativeSessionHandler
         - '%session.save_path%'
         - 'redis'

I'm a bit lost because this in ibexa documentation:

# Default session configuration
        # handler_id can be set to null (~) like default in Symfony, if it so will use default session handler from php.ini
        # But in order to use %ibexa.session.save_path%, default Ibexa DXP instead sets %ibexa.session.handler_id% to:
        # - session.handler.native_file (default)
        # - ibexa.core.session.handler.native_redis (recommended value for Cluster usage, using php-redis session handler )
        handler_id: '%ibexa.session.handler_id%'