ezsystems / specs

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REST API Improvement Requirements #3

Open DavidLiedle opened 7 years ago

DavidLiedle commented 7 years ago

Defining requirements for improvements to the REST API Developer Experience with eZ Platform.

Next step, after requirements are defined: R&D: POC/Prototyping ( Spike: https://github.com/ezsystems/ezplatform/issues/160 )

After R&D:POC/Prototyping, Specifications may be defined here in ezsystems/specs as MarkDown files.

sunpietro commented 7 years ago

We have to keep in mind that REST JS client should be easily extendable to allow users to create new methods handling different REST endpoints. Also, as a developer, I would like to be able to reduce the amount of request required to get information needed by an application.

bdunogier commented 7 years ago

About the client, you're perfectly right, @sunpietro.

There were discussions about both GraphQL and JSON-API as options to reduce the need for an actual client.

Also, about reducing the numbers of request, I am working on HTTP-cache multi-tagging, required by REST embedding. REST embedding will allow us to reduce requests a lot. In addition, similar embedding features exist in GraphQL (by essence) and JSON-API. The work being done on multi-tagging should easily apply to JSON-API, and may help with GraphQL (to be verified, complicated).