ezylang / EvalEx

EvalEx is a handy expression evaluator for Java, that allows to evaluate simple mathematical and boolean expressions.
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Full support for String #188

Closed arnaudroques closed 3 years ago

arnaudroques commented 5 years ago

First thanks for your library, it is very well designed.

For my own purpose (I am working on https://github.com/plantuml/plantuml ) I am looking for a pure Java expression evaluator that would evaluate simple mathematical, boolean and string expression. So I took your code, and I've made some slight modification just to see if I would be able to extend it to have full string support. I made something quick & dirty. I first create a class:

public class NString extends Number {

    private final String s;

    public NString(String s) {
        this.s = s;

    public String toString() {
        return s;

    public double doubleValue() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public float floatValue() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public int intValue() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

    public long longValue() {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

Then, since BigDecimal extends Number, I basically change your code and put Number instead of BigDecimal to a lot of place. For example:

 * Base interface which is required for all operators.
public interface Operator extends LazyOperator {
     * Implementation for this operator.
     * @param v1
     *            Operand 1.
     * @param v2
     *            Operand 2.
     * @return The result of the operation.
    public abstract Number eval(Number v1, Number v2);

Somewhere in Expression.java, I now have:

        addOperator(new Operator("+", OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE_ADDITIVE, true) {

            public Number eval(Number v1, Number v2) {
                assertNotNull(v1, v2);
                if (v1 instanceof NString) {
                    return new NString(((NString) v1).toString() + ((NString) v2).toString());
                return ((BigDecimal) v1).add((BigDecimal) v2, mc);

Thanks to this, I have now the following working !

public class Snipset2 {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Number result = null;

        Expression expression = new Expression("'FOO'+'DUMMY'");
        result = expression.eval();
        System.err.println("result=" + result);
        // Nice: Print FOODUMMY !


I understand that your library has not been designed to handle String, but I think it could easily manage them (maybe with something less dirty that I have quickly tried).

So before going further, I would like to know if you would be interested by such a move. If you are, we could work together to add this feature to EvalEx (with something cleaner that this Number/NString trick). This way, other people could use EvalEx to manage string and I could use your library directly in PlantUML. Any thought ?

uklimaschewski commented 5 years ago

Hi, thank you very much for contributing. I think, this would be an interesting feature, as long as there is backward compatibility for existing extensions, like custom functions and operators. It would be not so nice, if the users who have added custom operators and functions were forced to change their code. I would say, as long as all existing unit tests will run without the need for changing them, the change is ok.

arnaudroques commented 5 years ago

It would be not so nice, if the users who have added custom operators and functions were forced to change their code.

I did not think about this... Unfortunately, yes, users will be forced to change their code. I understand that this is a concern to you. However, the change is really simple. They will have to add a cast like this:

        addOperator(new Operator("+", OPERATOR_PRECEDENCE_ADDITIVE, true) {
            public Number eval(Number nv1, Number nv2) {
                BigDecimal v1 = (BigDecimal) nv1;
                BigDecimal v2 = (BigDecimal) nv2;
                assertNotNull(v1, v2);
                return v1.add(v2, mc);

I agree that this is annoying, but the change is really easy to do.

Furthermore, working on Number instead of BigDecimal would for example also allow extensions managing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Complex_number (if someone defines a new class extending Number).

I've cloned your repository so that you can have a look at the result code. https://github.com/plantuml/EvalEx/commit/60033168c3eb237eed99420b7c1d132528c9fa10 Unit tests are all running ok (after code change).

This change would definitively need a major version number (so you would switch to EvalEx 3.0). As creator of EvalEx the decision is yours, but I suggest that you create a https://doodle.com about this kind of change to see if your users think that this code change is acceptable to them to allow nice future enhancements within EvalEx. :-)

RobertZenz commented 5 years ago

@arnaudroques BigDecimal is not final, any reason you couldn't base NString on that?

RobertZenz commented 5 years ago

I was just looking at the BigDecimal source, and none of its methods are final either. So technically, we could provide a custom BigDecimalString class which extends BigDecimal and already implements all the required logic, like add internal. So when you get the result back, you just need to check whether it is the "special" BigDecimal or not for displaying the results.

arnaudroques commented 5 years ago

Ok, I've not seen that BigDecimal was not final. So I remove my first try and commit another one with a BigString that extends BigDecimal. So no impact on existing custom operators. The Snipset4 class shows that it works, unit test are running ok.


However, because I was not sure about the best way to do, I've created a BIG_STRING token type which should probably be merged with STRINGPARAM. I've also temporary choosen simple quote to not clash with double quotes used for STRINGPARAM.

Any idea how can I merge those two concepts ?